Today I plan to go into the green room and film my actress in close up scenes and different footage in the green room. I then went to Ben and booked out a tripod, along with bringing my camera to college. I arranged with my actress what I wanted her to bring with her to college the day before and text her to remind her.
I met my actress at the allocated time of 11.30, as we both had free periods then, and it was conventiently the period before lunch time, thus if we ended up running over schedule, we could continue fiming. Once we met up, we went straight to the green room, and whilst my actress adjusted her appearance to how I had asked her for the video, I set up the equipment and lighting in the green room, to how I wanted it for my video.

Here is an image I took of the green room once I had finished organising it. I began with hanging up the black back-drop to the wall, as I aimed for these scenes to be dark and felt this would appear most effective in contrast with the lighting. Then I arranged all of the lighting to the position and angle's which I wanted, so that I could create the silhouette of the model as effectively as possible. In addition to this, I manipulated the brightness of them so that they would accentuate my model to the best quality. This was very important as these shots rely very heavily on the lighting and if I had not set them up right, they could jeapordise my work.
As these shots entailed my model to take her top off, to create the effect that she looked naked, we had to take many precautions so that nobody would walk into the room whilst we were filming, as this would not only disrupt the production of the video, but violate the privacy of my model and could cause her discomfort. However, the door in the green room does not lock and there is a window, so we created a note on the door asking for no to come in, then we had to creatively attatch a large poster to the window, so that nobody could see in. Although in the end this worked and nobody disrupted us, the construction took up some time and we ended up behind filming scehdule.
However, we still managed to get all of the shots that I had planned filmed, and I am very happy with the quality of the shots we filmed on this day. They are better than I expected them to be and are exactly as I had envisioned and had created on my storyboard.